Immunity, Defense Pros of ROS:

Reactive Oxygen Species in Host Defense to Pathogens and Predators
(re-vamped from original, by Dillon Sloan)
·      Framework
o   ROS
§  Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are oxygen-containing molecules that can participate in signaling pathways and can cause destruction to DNA, lipids, and proteins. An overview of ROSs can be found in this page of the website.
o   Mitochondria
§  The mitochondria is an endogenous source of ROS.  The production of mitochondrial ROS seems to be caused by the pre-mature movement of electrons through Complex I of the electron transport chain to diatomic oxygen, resulting in the production of the superoxide anion.  An overview of this process can be found in this page of the website.
o   Host Defense and ROS
§  Many organisms depend on the energy generated from other organisms for survival (Brown et al., 2004).  For some organisms, this results in parasitism and predation, which harm the infected or the preyed organism, respectively.  Many organisms subject to infection or predation have developed immune and defense responses to survive and fight back (Raffel et al., 2008).  Many of these processes rely on the production of ROS, representing a benefit of ROS production.  Two of these processes are explored in detail below.
·      Overview of Host Immunity and Defense Topics
o   Innate Immunity and mROS
§  Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), the well-conserved mediators of host immunity to microbes, bind viral and bacterial biomolecules known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) (West et al, 2011b).  This interaction can initiate a variety of immune responses in the host, including the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the initiation of phagocytosis, and the initiation of the complement system (West et al, 2006).  Some responses involve the mitochondria; for example, in response to viral infection, a mitochondrial protein, MAVS (mitochondrial antiviral signaling), is necessary for the NF-κB dependent translocation to the nucleus and subsequent immune response (Seth et al, 2005).   Another response to infection includes the stimulation of the NADPH-oxidase complex (NOX) in phagocytes.  The NOX production of ROS, known as the respiratory burst, destroys invading pathogens (Segal, 2008).  Alongside NOX-derived ROS, mitochondrial ROS (mROS) has shown the ability to help clear pathogens (Arsenijevic et al, 2000).  Further study has since attempted to determine if mROS stimulation could be a controlled response to PRR signaling (see below).
o   ROS in plant defense against herbivory and pathogens
§  Photosynthetic organisms use light to drive the catalysis of redox reactions necessary for metabolism and carbon fixation, resulting in ROS formation via electron transport in the chloroplast and mitochondria, forming superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and singlet oxygen.  Being a part of the plant’s central metabolic process, this ROS formation is regulated and utilized by many processes in the cell (Foyer and Noctor, 2003).  Such processes include MAPK (cell defense), abscisic acid (water conservation), and hypersensitivity response (cell death) signaling, among others (Asai et al., 2008; Pei et al., 2000; Zago et al., 2006; Mittler et al., 2011).  An increase in ROS can also cause pathogen death via an NOX-like protein inducing respiratory burst (Marino et al., 2012). It has also been shown that plants wounded by insect herbivory show increased amounts of ROS both locally and systemically (Kerchev et al., 2012).  For example, it has been shown that wheat herbivory elicited NOX-derived ROS which contributed to their resistance to infestation (Moloi and Van der Westhuizen, 2006).  Xanthine oxidase activity has also been shown as a response to infection in bean leaves (Montalbini, 1992b).   Xanthine oxidase (XO) is responsible for purine catabolism in plants – converting  hypoxanthine to xanthine, and xanthine to uric acid with the production of superoxide anion (Montalbini, 1992a). Thus, there could be a connection between infestation of RWA with XO-dependent ROS production (see below).
·      Host Immunity and Defense Findings and Evidences
Innate Immunity and mROS
  (West et al., 2011a)
§  Finding – mROS generated by TLR signalling
·      The researchers determined that when engaged by lipopolysaccharide and lipotechoic acid (PAMPs), cell-surface TLRs (a subset of PRRs), caused tumor necrosis factor receptor factor 6  (TRAF6) to move to the mitochondria.  It interacted with evolutionary conserved signaling intermediate in Toll pathways (ECSIT), causing ECSIT ubiquitination and accumulation around the surface of the mitochondria.  ECSIT is an important intermediate, being potentially involved in respiratory chain assembly and direct augmentation (Vogel et al., 2007).  ECSIT-TRAF6 interaction caused the recruitment of mitochondria to PAMP sources and the increase of mROS production.
§  Supporting Evidence
·      Mitochondrial recruitment to PAMP sources

·      The data above indicates that mitochondria were localized to the site of intracellular PAMP sources.  The researchers loaded PAMP-coated microscopic latex beads into macrophages, staining them red.  Likewise, they stained the mitochondria green.  The figure above is composed of two three by three grids, the left grid and right grids showing cells after fifteen minutes and thirty minutes of bead internalization, respectively.  Within each grid, three columns show the different fluorescent techniques with three different latex bead coats:  (from left to right) no PAMP (the negative control), Pam3CSK4 (a synthetic lipopeptide), and LPS.  The three rows show different fluorescent stains:  (from top to bottom) overlapping of the mitochondrial and latex bead stains, mitochondrial staining alone, and colocalization fluorescence.  This graph demonstrates a greater degree of colocalization when the beads were coated with PAMP than when they weren’t, leading the researchers to suggest that the mitochondria were localized to these PAMPs, presumably by PRR signaling.
·      mROS-dependent clearance of microorganisms

·      The data above indicates that mice under-expressing ECSIT are less able to clear GFP-labeled Salmonella typhimurium, thus establishing the functional significance of TLR-mediated mROS production.  The chart above is divided into columns based on the amount of time that elapsed after the initial in vitro infection with S. typhimurium.  The rows show the different mice genotypes that were used in the study:  a wild type control with a control shRNA followed by a heterozygous ECSIT mutant treated with ECSIT shRNA beneath it.  The fluorescence is as labeled, with the host cells being Dapi stained and the S. typhimurium being GFP-labeled.  It is clear that the ECSIT deficient mutants were less able to clear S. typhurium with time, thus confirming that ECSIT-signaled mROS production was necessary for clearing the pathogen (not shown:  mROS production was significantly decresed without ECSIT).
§  Finding – Infestation caused ROS-dependent resistance
·      The researchers in this study showed that reactive oxygen species generation by xanthine oxidase in response to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) infestation by Russian wheat aphids (RWA) (Diuraphis noxia) contributed to their resistance to infestation.  This study utilized RWA-resistant and RWA-sensitive forms of wheat.  RWA were allowed to infest these plants, and ROS production, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and chitinase activities were measured over time.  Peroxidase (POD) and chitinase are both downstream defense mechanisms for wheat against RWA (Van der Westhuizen et al., 1998), so determining the levels of their activity over time is one indicator of increased defenses. Furthermore, allopurinol, an inhibitor of XO (Montalbini, 1992b), was drenched in the soil of the plants to determine if the inhibition of XO would cause the plants to lose their previous resistance.
§  Supporting Evidence
·      RWA infestation causes ROS generation in resistant wheat
·      The data above shows that RWA resistant wheat demonstrated a significant increase in hydrogen peroxide production after eight hours of infestation compared to the controls.  The graph above is split into two sections, the left and right displaying different periods of time that the plants were assayed.  The x and y axes show the time (in hours) after infestation and the amount H2O2 in the plant, respectively.  The symbols on the line can be interpreted in the legend.  Notice that the infested resistant population had a significantly higher amount of H2O2 from eight hours on.  This means that infestation caused ROS production in plants capable of resisting infestation.
·      Defense (POD, chitinase) activity dependent on XO activity
·      The data above shows that RWA resistant wheat required uninhibited XO activity for downstream defense activity in POD and chitinase.  The x and y axes on the above graphs show the time (in hours) after infestation and the activity of POD (upper graph) or Chitinase (lower graph) in the plant, respectively.  The symbols on the line can be interpreted in the legend, with the final symbol in the legend (denoted by a dark square and the “#” symbol) denoting infested resistant plants grown in allopurinol drenched soil.  Notice that the infested resistant population had a significantly higher amount of defensive protein activities after a period of time.  This effect was reversed upon XO inhibition, indicating that XO-dependent H2O2 production was responsible for the defense induction (not shown:  H2O2 production was significantly reduced with allopurinol drenching).

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*Note, the author possesses all articles. In adding more references to the original as suggested, he confesses that that the additional articles were read only enough to support the statements made and understand their connection to the broader context, not fully.

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